Terry Graham: A tale of two ballerinas, 1974
Lilly Grove: Dancing in Persia, 1895
Robyn C. Friend: Dance in Iran, 1993
Robyn C. Friend: Chub-Bazi, The Stick Dances of Iran, 1994
Robyn C. Friend: Status and Preservation of Iranian Dance, 1997
Mahnaz Khavari: National ballet has still a long way to go
Nima Kiann: Persian dance and Its forgotten history
Nima Kiann: Madame Yelena Avedisian, grand lady of Persian dance
Mary Olson: Goddesses, priestesses, queens and dancers. Images of women on Sasanian silver. Constructing the Past: Vol. 10 : Iss. 1 , Article 12, 2009.
Dr. Anthony Shay: Iranian Dance A Scholarly Overview of Research Issues, 2005